The Mohawks of Kanesatake have been trying to reclaim parts of their land and territory for 301 years. One such area is known as the Seigneury of Lake of Two Mountains.

In 1990 the Oka crisis began around this area when the colonial town of Oka decided to destroy Kanesatake lands for the installation of a gold course, and the Mohawks and their allies asserted their rights to the area. Settlers called in the military to try and force the removal of lands from the Mohawks.

For more information: Oka Crisis in 5 Minutes
(external link to SubMedia)


At one time they occupied 689 square kilometres of land northwest of Montreal, today they have 12 square kilometres. The dispute continues today, despite the current private developer offering to return some (not all) of the disputed land with some settlers (including the mayor) becoming inflamed about the offer because of fears rooted in racism.