1492 Landback Lane is a Six Nations land site reclamation from housing developers that began in the summer of 2020 near Caledonia, ON. The sit is directly across Highway 6/Argyle from Kanonhstaton (The Protected Place) which was the site of a 2003 reclamation.

Indigenous individuals from Six Nations decided to occupy 1492 (known to developers as the Mckenzie Meadows site) when Foxgate Development started work without proper consultation. Foxgate – a joint venture between Ballantry and Losani Homes – has a signed agreement from band council for the property however didn’t consult the confederacy chiefs or community members who don’t support the band system (the majority).

On August 5, 2020 the OPP moved in to vacate and clear the 1492 site, using rubber bullets and arresting land defenders and their allies. Some individuals  evaded arrest and the Six Nations community soon responded to the police violence. When the OPP attempted to enter Indigenous territory – including Kanonhstaton – to make arrests they were told to leave the area and given a time limit. When police chose to remain, they were walked out by community. The 1492 site was later reclaimed by land defenders the same evening.

Throughout many months, defenders have been subject to police harassment and surveillance and settler racism, including the mayor of Haldimand who has applauded and encouraged violent arrests of individuals and their families.

OPP have confirmed they intend to lay charges against at least 52 people.


Project Updates

On October 22, 2020 a permanent injunction against Indigenous people was granted by Justice Harper after preventing individuals from participating in their own court proceeding to oppose the injunction by intentionally muting their microphones (all court is now done via phone or internet due to COVID).

After the hearing, OPP began to approach and enter Six Nations territory, once more using impact rounds and a taser against individuals. In response and self defense, Six Nations people have closed area roads.